While no one likes spending out more on their vehicle, car insurance is a must. Not only is it a legal requirement, but car insurance can also provide much better confidence. With that being said, it can get costly, especially if you’ve started with the wrong insurance policy. So, without further ado, we’ve outlined several integral factors you may want to consider to help save a little money. After all, there’s no point in spending more than you have to.
Don’t Get Caught Out with an Expensive-to-Insure Car
Unfortunately, some cars will have much higher premiums than others. This could be due to the value of the car; however, it can also be due to risk. And, if your insurer considers your car to be a risky investment, there’s a good chance you’ll pay more.
Try to find a car that’s not beat-up or excessively expensive if you want to keep your insurance lower; a car history check offers the perfect way to start. A car check allow you to see information about a vehicle’s history. Viewing this before you buy allows you to view the vehicle’s MOT history; this can directly influence your car’s safety, in turn.
How to Save Money on Car Insurance
If car insurance policies are making your eyes water, don’t stress. While it can seem overwhelming, there are several ways you can save on car insurance.
Consider Adding Named Drivers
One of the best ways to save on car insurance is to add additional people as named drivers. Indeed, compared to having a brand new insurance policy, adding named drivers can be much cheaper. This is especially true for expensive drivers, such as those who have recently passed. Adding these individuals as a named driver can make insurance policies a lot more cost-effective.
Don’t Fixate on Brand Loyalty
Many people assume brand loyalty pays. It can, in some cases. Generally, with insurance, though, it doesn’t stack up. Insurers will often offer discounts to encourage people to leave their current provider; as such, you can potentially save a nice sum on your policy by being more flexible.
Choose a Suitable Car
Each car will cost a different amount to insure. Indeed, a vehicle that is valuable will naturally cost more. In addition, a car that has previously been in accidents may be considered less stable or riskier, which can also increase premiums. Past claims may also lose your no-claims discount, which can put the price up quite a bit.
Leave Plenty of Time
Many people leave their insurance to the last minute. However, leaving plenty of time when arranging the policy can actually lead to good discounts. Generally, insurers will offer the best prices around four weeks in advance of your existing policy renewing; so, this can be the perfect time to get new quotes. The difference can potentially save hundreds on your annual insurance policy.
However, don’t go too early; if you start looking for new quotes around a month in advance, you may find that insurers will be reluctant to offer the best prices. It’s quite a fine balance.